2022년 3월 18일 금요일

Sun Shangxiang (Taken from Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends)

Sun Shang Xiang

Dynasty Warriors 9 can fix that

Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake

Sun Shangxiang wearing swimsuit

Dynasty Warriors 7

Sun Shang Xiang is affiliated with wheels in this appearance. When she is equipped with it, she can perform a unique attack exclusive to her. Upon performing her Musou techniques, she will automatically use the weapon in her attacks.

EX Attack: Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle: Crouches low to the ground to spring forward feet first though her opponents.

Musou - Rising Tiger Kick (猛虎天昇脚): Circle: Somersaults twice and kicks an enemy. If the kick connects, Sun Shang Xiang jumps onto the victim's head and performs a chain of quick jabbing kicks, then does a backflip. Used in Warriors Orochi 3 & Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake.

Aerial Musou - Crimson Volley (紅蓮弓): X, Circle: Pulls out a bow in midair, draws it with the help of her feet, then shoots an arrow surrounded with a powerful flaming aura towards the ground, hitting a wide radius. Classified as a Blast Musou in Next.

Dynasty Warriors Next

Speed Musou - Blast: Tap both sides of screen: Sun Shangxiang dashes forward and slashes at her opponents repeatedly in a circular motion while being covered in flames. The assault ends with both wheels orbiting around her before catching them.

Warriors Orochi 3

X, Triangle: Throws both weapons downward in an arc fashion before catching them back.

R1: Causes weapons to burst into flames and orbit within enemy ranks before triggering an explosion.

X, R1 (Ultimate only): Propels self forward in an angular spinning motion, damaging enemies caught within range of the attack.

Dynasty Warriors 8


Sun Shangxiang keeps the same moveset from the previous title with the following additions.

EX Attack 2 (Xtreme Legends only): Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle: Sets wheels on fire and launches them forward to juggle nearby enemies.

Alternate Musou - Skyarrow (旋環天衝弓): R1 + Circle: Causes wheels to cycle around within the enemy ranks to lift them up. She tumbles back and fires red-tinted arrows in the air for additional damage. Used in Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake.

Awakening Musou: Throws weapons like a boomerang one by one within short distance. She then crouches down and fires an arrow that unleashes a fierce burst of energy. The extension has her twirling both weapons on each side and tossing them together before having them spin telekinetically on a single spot near the end.

Bao Sanniang (Taken from Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends)

Bao Sanniang

Dynasty Warriors 9

Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake

Bao Sanniang wearing swimsuit

Dynasty Warriors 7

Bao Sanniang is affiliated with the spinner in this appearance. When she is equipped with it, she can perform a unique attack exclusive to her. Unlike most characters, she does not use this (or any other) weapon during her Musou techniques, strictly relying on hand-to-hand combat.

EX Attack: Square, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle: Stands upright and uses her hands to claw at her opponent. She swipes them several times before she scratches them with both hands. Needs a moment to regain her weapon after the move finishes.

Musou - Tiger Pounce (猫々天昇斬): Circle: Gets down on all fours and prances around on the ground. If she runs into someone, she will perform a roll that drags them up into the air. Once in the air, she kicks them back down once she "unravels" herself. Classified as a Throw Musou in Next and used in Warriors Orochi 3.

Aerial Musou - Tiger Spin (猫々回転): X, Circle: Rolls down at a diagonal and lands on all fours.

Dynasty Warriors Next

Speed Musou - Blast: Tap both sides of screen: Drives spinner into the earth and mows down any foe caught in its path, leaving Bao Sanniang flying while holding the weapon's handle. The attack ends with an overhead swing to the ground.

Warriors Orochi 3

X, Triangle: Extends weapon and spins it around counterclockwise several times.

R1: Strikes the enemy with a high-speed forward rotating attack.

X, R1 (Ultimate only): Swings weapon forward then dives to the ground with enough impact to knock surrounding opponents away.

Dynasty Warriors 8


Bao Sanniang keeps the same moveset from the previous title with the following additions.

EX Attack 2 (Xtreme Legends only): Triangle, Triangle: Hits the opponent with two crouching slashes and a leaping scratch attack.

Alternate Musou - Tiger Rush (猫々超疾走): R1 + Circle: Drives weapon into the ground, mowing nearby opponents while running around before propelling it upward at an angle.

Awakening Musou: Thrusts back and forth in short bursts. She then unleashes a massive shockwave traveling in a large radius. Upon extending the attack, she holds the weapon as it rotates on the earth grinding enemies before being released up in the air.

2022년 1월 10일 월요일

Plachta - Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake - 2018 March 16th Games

Plachta appear in Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake release 2018 March 16th Games & Ai Hinatsuru & Ai Yashajin's Fantasy Adventure release 2021 July 29th Series.

Plachta - Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake - 2018 March 16th Games

Sophie Neuenmuller - Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake - 2018 March 16th Games

Sophie Neuenmuller appear in Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake release 2018 March 16th Games & Ai Hinatsuru & Ai Yashajin's Fantasy Adventure release 2021 July 29th Series.

Sophie Neuenmuller - Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake - 2018 March 16th Games

Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Square: Sophie swings her staff down left, up right, then to the left, then straight down. She then summons a purple magic circle to shoot out a purple projectile, then finishes by swinging her staff to the right.

Triangle: Throws a small concoction forward. Effects are randomized, such as fire, ice, and lightning. Sea urchins will stun enemies.

Square, Triangle: Sophie tosses forward three explosives that explode into ice crystals.

Square, Square, Triangle: Sophie tosses forward a ball of lightning that stuns enemies.

Square, Square, Square, Triangle: She summons a giant Puni meteor to drop down onto her enemies, resulting in a fairly large explosion emanating outward from where it falls.

Square, Square, Square, Square, Triangle: Sophie repeatedly throws explosives forward while pivoting. She finishes by tossing a very large explosive.

Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Triangle: Sophie blows a horn and summons Puni to appear around her. They then charge forward to bulldoze enemies as she cheers them on.

Dashing + Triangle: Swings her staff up left.

Dashing + Square: Swings her staff up left.

Jump + Triangle: Sophie fires Puni Puni Missiles down at foes.

Jump + Square: Swings her staff to the right.

Circle: "Law of Hundred Flowers": Sophie summons numerous alchemy books to appear behind her in the air. They then all shoot projectiles forward.