2022년 3월 18일 금요일

Sun Shangxiang (Taken from Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends)

Sun Shang Xiang

Dynasty Warriors 9 can fix that

Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake

Sun Shangxiang wearing swimsuit

Dynasty Warriors 7

Sun Shang Xiang is affiliated with wheels in this appearance. When she is equipped with it, she can perform a unique attack exclusive to her. Upon performing her Musou techniques, she will automatically use the weapon in her attacks.

EX Attack: Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle: Crouches low to the ground to spring forward feet first though her opponents.

Musou - Rising Tiger Kick (猛虎天昇脚): Circle: Somersaults twice and kicks an enemy. If the kick connects, Sun Shang Xiang jumps onto the victim's head and performs a chain of quick jabbing kicks, then does a backflip. Used in Warriors Orochi 3 & Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake.

Aerial Musou - Crimson Volley (紅蓮弓): X, Circle: Pulls out a bow in midair, draws it with the help of her feet, then shoots an arrow surrounded with a powerful flaming aura towards the ground, hitting a wide radius. Classified as a Blast Musou in Next.

Dynasty Warriors Next

Speed Musou - Blast: Tap both sides of screen: Sun Shangxiang dashes forward and slashes at her opponents repeatedly in a circular motion while being covered in flames. The assault ends with both wheels orbiting around her before catching them.

Warriors Orochi 3

X, Triangle: Throws both weapons downward in an arc fashion before catching them back.

R1: Causes weapons to burst into flames and orbit within enemy ranks before triggering an explosion.

X, R1 (Ultimate only): Propels self forward in an angular spinning motion, damaging enemies caught within range of the attack.

Dynasty Warriors 8


Sun Shangxiang keeps the same moveset from the previous title with the following additions.

EX Attack 2 (Xtreme Legends only): Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle: Sets wheels on fire and launches them forward to juggle nearby enemies.

Alternate Musou - Skyarrow (旋環天衝弓): R1 + Circle: Causes wheels to cycle around within the enemy ranks to lift them up. She tumbles back and fires red-tinted arrows in the air for additional damage. Used in Warriors Orochi 4 Curse of the Demon Snake.

Awakening Musou: Throws weapons like a boomerang one by one within short distance. She then crouches down and fires an arrow that unleashes a fierce burst of energy. The extension has her twirling both weapons on each side and tossing them together before having them spin telekinetically on a single spot near the end.

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